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Sharing the Light of the Season

Sharing the Light of the Season

by Rebecca Witte on November 28, 2023

Sharing the Light of the Season

With Thanksgiving gatherings behind us, festive lights of all kinds begin to illuminate neighborhoods and homes. Advent is upon us. We ignite candles on a wreath, and joyful activities spark memories of special times and pave the way for Christmas traditions exchanged through generations.

Originating centuries ago, the custom of Christmas caroling holds some of my happiest recollections. My mother hosted my childhood friends for annual caroling parties. As we sang to people in hospitals and caring facilities, I became touchingly aware of music being a universally understood language of love and a conduit for the brightest beams of Christmas lights coming from within the souls of recipients and singers alike. How faces lit up with the singing of familiar carols! While we sang Joy to the World and other songs proclaiming the Good News, we felt wonderfully connected to each other and to God, who gifted us with the greatest Light of all.

What a blessing that Saint John’s carries the caroling torch that has been handed from generation to generation! Each year our church offers opportunities to sing to our homebound members and those who live in care facilities. Along with carols shared, poinsettias are delivered, and lives are touched.

I am reminded of the famous guidance coming through the ages from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism in the 1700s:

“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”

He also said, “Sing all. Sing lustily… strive to unite your voices together.”

One way we have the chance to follow these thoughtful instructions is by registering on Realm to join Saint John’s carolers on December 17 . A pizza lunch will be provided immediately after church that day. Cina will warm up our voices before groups disperse to spread joy through singing. Please consider participating in this heartwarming tradition. You, too, can be a Christmas light that rekindles light in others.

With light and love,
Rebecca Witte
Director of Connections

Saint John's Annual Christmas Caroling 
Sunday, December 17, 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.

After worship on Sunday, December 17, we will enjoy lunch in the Great Hall, and practice a few songs together before we head out to Christmas carol to church members. Please bring a mask (in case a place you visit requires one) and wear Christmas-y accessories! Visit bit.ly/SJCaroling2023 to register by Monday, December 11

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