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Disciple Three (Registration Concluded)


Every Thursday, from 09/15/2022 to 04/20/2023, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

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This 24-week Bible study explores themes in common between the prophets and the Apostle Paul’s letters. Several themes weave their way through the study – the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision; and the place of community. The prophets and Paul are continually calling hearers and readers back to their God and to a sense of who they are as a people "set apart."  

Anyone who has completed Disciple I may sign up for this course, Disciple II is not a pre-requisite.  

Class led by Shelley Walters, along a variety of guests through the year. Some wonderful guests will be from the Saint John’s community and some will be special guests from around the country.

Books can be purchased for your Kindle e-reader here:

First semester’s book - https://www.amazon.com/Disciple-Track-Remember-Prophets-Manual-ebook/dp/B0767NGPX4/ref=sr_1_4?qid=1661714629&refinements=p_27%3ASusan+Fuquay&s=digital-text&sr=1-4&text=Susan+Fuquay 

Second semester’s book - https://www.amazon.com/Disciple-Track-Remember-Letters-Manual-ebook/dp/B0767MZ21T/ref=sr_1_7?qid=1661714709&refinements=p_27%3ASusan+Fuquay&s=digital-text&sr=1-7&text=Susan+Fuquay 

or in print from Cokesbury here:

First semester’s book - https://www.cokesbury.com/Disciple-Fast-Track-Remember-Who-You-Are-The-Prophets-Study-Manual 

Second semester’s book - https://www.cokesbury.com/Disciple-Fast-Track-Remember-Who-You-Are-The-Letters-of-Paul-Study-Manual