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The Joy of Building a Church

The Joy of Building a Church

by Carolyn Boyle on April 23, 2024

The Joy of Building a Church

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,

not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

~ 2 Corinthians 9:7


The Joy of Building a Church

by Carolyn Boyle


Jim and I have been Saint John’s members for more than 30 years, and some of our most fulfilling church experiences have involved capital campaigns. It is a privilege to follow in the footsteps of a small group of Christians who, 75 years ago, bought a triangle of land next to a farm. What they envisioned was just the kind of a vibrant church that would be here decades later when our family was searching for a church home.
Our first opportunity to give to a church capital campaign was in about 1993, when contributions paid for concrete—lots of concrete! It was for a joint effort with Austin Independent School District to build a parking lot with 62 spaces next to the church, on the Lamar Middle School campus. While a parking lot is not a “church,” Saint John’s did need more off-street parking to be welcoming to visitors and to grow as a church.
In my experience, the most dramatic and challenging Saint John’s capital campaigns were in 1997 and 2000. Our dream for the new millennium was to refurbish every square foot of the church! The massive plan included building a chapel and a Great Hall with a kitchen, renovating the sanctuary, rebuilding all the classrooms and office, and making the church more beautiful and functional. The cost was projected to be $2.63 million, which seemed like a daunting figure. But at the conclusion of a successful capital campaign, a loan agreement was tentatively approved and site preparations began. A demolition crew tore apart the north education/office wing to remove asbestos and rotten wood. 


That is when the dream turned into a nightmare. Construction bids came back at $3.5 million. The Texas Methodist Foundation rescinded its offer to loan money for the entire project, saying it would only fund phase one. Banks in town would not loan the church money.


Nevertheless, we urged one another to increase our personal sacrifices so the entire renovation project could be accomplished. Sacrificial giving was bountiful, each contributing according to his or her ability to give. Members made above-and-beyond contributions every month. Some sold property, gave from inheritances and retirement savings, or liquidated stocks and bonds. The youth gave funds raised from pumpkin sales. Young families postponed buying new cars, furniture, and homes so they could build their church.


This spring we are blessed to have an opportunity to give to a capital campaign to keep Saint John’s growing, teaching, and inspiring, as well as comfortable for everyone who walks through our doors. A refurbished air-conditioning and heating system and improvements to classrooms and the church office will benefit the congregation for the next 75 years.


By generously responding to the call to give, our Saint John’s family can continue to build up God’s church, literally and figuratively. Let’s do it, together!


Cheerfully and with gratitude,

Carolyn Boyle

Capital Campaign Leadership Team



Gracious God, help us step boldly and joyfully into this family of sacrificial givers. May we see the sacred bonds we build when we step out in faith and give enthusiastically to build a future for others as our predecessors have for us. Grant us the vision to see a Holy future. Amen.


~All capital campaign prayers for reflection this season are from Saint John's member, Ann Barlow.

To learn more about the capital campaign and its objectives,
visit stjohnsaustin.org/giving/capital-campaign/.

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